Advantages of Being Married in the Military – What Perks Should You Expect?

As a military spouse, I have experienced firsthand the numerous advantages that come with being married to someone in the armed forces. From healthcare benefits and housing allowances to discounted goods and services, there are a plethora of perks that you should be aware of. In this guide, I will be outlining some of the most significant advantages that you can expect as a military spouse, as well as some lesser-known perks that you may not be aware of. Whether you are considering marrying into the military or are already a spouse, this guide will provide valuable insight into the benefits that come with this unique lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Financial Benefits: Married military couples can take advantage of housing allowance, healthcare benefits, and tax breaks.
  • Social Support: Being married in the military provides a built-in support system through military spouse programs and community resources.
  • Deployment Benefits: Married service members receive additional support and benefits during deployments, including family separation pay and extra leave.
  • Career Opportunities: Military spouses are often given priority for job opportunities and can access education and career assistance programs.
  • Family Stability: Marriage in the military can provide a sense of stability and continuity for both the service member and their family, even through frequent moves and deployments.

Types of Military Marriage Benefits

For military spouses, there are several types of benefits that can help make life a little easier. It’s important to be aware of these perks and take full advantage of them. Here are some of the most common types of military marriage benefits:

Housing Healthcare
Education Deployment Support
Financial Assistance Travel Benefits


As a military spouse, you may be eligible to receive housing benefits that can help alleviate some of the financial burden of finding a place to live. Depending on your situation, you may qualify for on-base housing or a housing allowance to assist with off-base living expenses. It’s important to fully understand your options and take advantage of the assistance available to you.


One of the most valuable benefits of being a military spouse is access to comprehensive healthcare coverage through TRICARE. This coverage provides you and your family with access to affordable medical, dental, and vision care. It’s important to enroll in TRICARE and take advantage of the benefits it offers to ensure that you and your family stay healthy and well taken care of.


Another valuable benefit of being a military spouse is the access to educational opportunities that can help you further your career or pursue your academic goals. With programs such as MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts), you can receive financial assistance for education and training. Taking advantage of these opportunities can help you build a successful and fulfilling career.

Tips for Maximizing Military Marriage Perks

Assuming you are already married or planning to get married in the military, there are several tips you can follow to maximize the perks and benefits available to you and your spouse. Here are a few suggestions to help you make the most of the advantages that come with being married in the military:

  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated about the latest benefits and perks available to military couples.
  • Communicate: Open and honest communication with your spouse and military officials can help in understanding and utilizing the available benefits.
  • Take Advantage: Utilize all the support resources and programs available to military families.

The key to maximizing military marriage perks is to take advantage of the various resources and benefits available to you as a military spouse.

Communication with the Military

Open and clear communication with the military is essential for making the most of the benefits available to married couples. By staying informed about the various perks and support programs, you can ensure that you and your spouse are taking advantage of all the opportunities available to you.

Utilizing Support Resources

There are numerous support resources and programs available to military families, ranging from counseling services to educational benefits. By utilizing these resources, you can ensure that you and your spouse are getting the support you need to thrive in your military marriage.

Understanding Eligibility

It is crucial to understand your eligibility for various benefits and programs as a married couple in the military. By knowing what you are entitled to, you can ensure that you are taking full advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing Military Marriage Benefits

Keep in mind that accessing military marriage benefits involves following specific procedures and providing certain documentation. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

Enrollment Procedures Documentation Requirements
1. Contact your military personnel office to inquire about the enrollment process for marriage benefits.

2. Complete the necessary forms and paperwork, which may include a marriage certificate and proof of spouse’s eligibility for benefits.
1. Gather important documents such as marriage certificate, spouse’s social security number, and photo identification.

2. Prepare any additional documentation required by your specific branch of the military.

Enrollment Procedures

When enrolling for military marriage benefits, it is crucial to follow the procedures outlined by your specific branch of the military. This may involve contacting your military personnel office and completing the necessary paperwork to register your spouse for benefits. Pay close attention to any deadlines or additional requirements that may apply to your situation.

Documentation Requirements

Providing the correct documentation is essential for accessing military marriage benefits. You will likely need to present your marriage certificate, your spouse’s social security number, and photo identification. Additionally, be prepared to submit any additional documents that your branch of the military may require to verify your spouse’s eligibility for benefits.

Renewal Process

Once you have initially enrolled for military marriage benefits, it is important to stay informed about the renewal process. Keep track of any expiration dates or renewal deadlines for your spouse’s benefits. Ensure that you update any necessary documentation or information as required, and be proactive in maintaining your spouse’s eligibility for benefits.

Factors to Consider Before Getting Married in the Military

Unlike civilian marriages, being married in the military comes with a unique set of challenges and considerations. Before taking the leap, it’s important to carefully weigh the following factors:

  • The unpredictable nature of deployments and separations.
  • The impact of the military lifestyle on your relationship.
  • The financial considerations specific to military marriages.

Recognizing these factors and understanding how they may affect your marriage is crucial in making an informed decision about getting married in the military.


Being married in the military means that deployments and separations are an inevitable part of your relationship. The extended time apart and the stress of the unknown can put a strain on even the strongest of marriages. It’s important to have open and honest discussions about how you will support each other during these times and how you will maintain a connection despite the distance.

Military Lifestyle

The military lifestyle comes with its own set of challenges, including frequent moves, long hours, and the potential for danger in certain assignments. It’s essential to understand the impact that this lifestyle can have on your marriage. You and your partner must be willing to adapt to the unique demands of military life and find ways to support each other through the inevitable ups and downs.

Financial Considerations

Joining the military often means navigating a unique set of financial considerations. From the potential for frequent moves to the impact of military pay and benefits, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how these factors will affect your family’s financial stability. Planning for the future, including saving for retirement and understanding the implications of military benefits on your financial planning, is crucial for a successful military marriage.

Pros and Cons of Being Married in the Military

Despite the many perks of being married in the military, there are also some challenges and sacrifices that come with it. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to enter into a military marriage. Below is a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of being married in the military.

Stability and Security

One of the biggest perks of being married in the military is the stability and security that comes with it. As a military spouse, you have access to healthcare, housing, and other benefits that provide a sense of security for you and your family. Additionally, being part of the military community can offer a strong support system and a sense of belonging.

Challenges and Sacrifices

However, being married in the military also comes with its own set of challenges and sacrifices. Frequent relocations can make it difficult to establish roots and maintain long-term friendships. Deployments and separations can put a strain on the relationship and family dynamics, leading to feelings of loneliness and stress. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of military life can make it challenging to pursue personal and career goals.

Advantages of Being Married in the Military – What Perks Should You Expect?

Ultimately, being married in the military comes with a range of perks that can significantly benefit you and your spouse. From housing allowances to healthcare and education benefits, there are numerous advantages that can make a positive impact on your life as a military spouse. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these perks and take advantage of them to ensure that you and your family are receiving all of the benefits that come with being part of the military community. By understanding and utilizing these perks, you can make the most of your military marriage and experience all of the advantages it has to offer.

Advantages of Being Married in the Military – What Perks Should You Expect? FAQ

Q: What housing benefits are available to married military personnel?

A: Married military personnel are eligible for on-base housing or a basic allowance for housing (BAH) to cover off-base housing expenses. This allowance is based on rank, location, and dependency status.

Q: Do married military couples receive any healthcare benefits?

A: Yes, married military couples are eligible for comprehensive healthcare coverage through TRICARE, which includes medical, dental, and vision benefits at little to no cost.

Q: Are there educational benefits for the spouses of military personnel?

A: Military spouses are eligible for several education benefits, including the My Career Advancement Account program, which provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance for education and training.

Q: What financial perks do military couples receive?

A: Military couples are entitled to various financial perks, such as a cost-of-living allowance (COLA) for overseas assignments, tax-free shopping at military exchanges, and access to low-interest loans through organizations like the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.

Q: Are there any travel benefits for married military personnel?

A: Married military personnel can take advantage of discounted or no-cost travel through Space-Available flights, in addition to various vacation and recreation opportunities offered by military installations worldwide.

By Liam Cooper

Liam Cooper is a versatile and experienced content writer who has been working in the industry for over 16 years. He started his career as a journalist for a local newspaper, where he honed his skills in researching, interviewing, and storytelling. He writes articles that showcase the latest trends, news, and reviews in the online entertainment world. He also writes feature stories that highlight the stories and personalities behind the scenes of Play At Home Fest.

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